Under the banner of INTACH Ayodhya
chapter, convener Ms Manjula
Jhunjhunwala, Project on Listing Activity
is undertaken by Ms Alka Verma and Ms
Asha Tiwari. The member institutions
are JB Academy, Yash Vidya Mandir,
Jhunjhunwala Degree College, Bhavdiya |
School and Udaya Public School. The “
objective behind the project is to do the
Listing of the rich heritage of Ayodhya before it gets
demolished. The project began as internship program for
class 12 Humanities . They were required to mention their
learning outcomes in the listing process. They were also
required to mention how they overcame the challenges faced
during their listing of monuments. It was further advised to
cross check, the information collected , with some other
historical references and then to take a note it .It also meant,
to cross check the authenticity of the information collected
where, the gazetteers from municipality ,would be of great
help. After the vacation their work was collected and
assessed for assignments and project. There were regular
meetings in which other schools too opted to participate.
The members schools have been allotted the areas for listing
purpose, group wise each group containing 2 members each.
JB Academy has chosen Swargdwar, Ayodhya, for the listing
purpose. The listing work is to be done during winter
vacation and submission by the end of January 2023. The
program aims to enable the youth to develop communicating
skills, analysis of the given information and enhances
reasoning and thinking skills.